
王 放

职称:青年研究员/ 博士生导师


研究方向:1. 野生动物的种群动态、种间关系和适应性; 2. 耦合的自然生态-社会经济系统复杂作用(Tele- and meta-coupling); 3. 珍稀濒危物种的保护生物学。


  • 男,博士,青年研究员,博士生导师

  • 2001-2005 北京大学生命科学学院 学士;

  • 2006-2012 北京大学生命科学学院 博士;

  • 2012-2015 美国史密森学会Smithsonian Institution 博士后;

  • 2015-2018 美国密歇根州立大学Michigan State University 博士后;

  • 2018-至今 复旦大学生科院研究员(青年)。


  • 野生动物的种群动态、种间关系和适应性;

  • 耦合的自然生态-社会经济系统复杂作用(Tele- and meta-coupling);

  • 珍稀濒危物种的保护生物学。




  • NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award;

  • Rubenstein Postdoctoral Award;

  • 上海市科普教育创新奖 科普贡献奖;

  • 大熊猫国家公园专家委员会专家;

  • 上海市自然保护地专家委员会专家;

  • 世界自然保护联盟物种生存委员会(IUCN-SCC)专家(熊科、羊亚科工作组)


  1. Wang, F., Zhang, Z., Li, C., Sun, G., Zhao, X., & Lu, Z*. (2021). Add Himalaya's Grand Canyon to China's first national parks. Nature, 592(7854), 353-353.

  2. Wang, F*., Winkler, J., Viña, A., McShea, W. J., Li, S., Connor, T., ... & Liu, J. (2021). The hidden risk of using umbrella species as conservation surrogates: A spatio-temporal approach. Biological Conservation, 253, 108913.

  3. Huang, Q., Wang, F.*, Yang, H., Valitutto, M., & Songer, M. (2021). Will the COVID-19 outbreak be a turning point for China's wildlife protection: New developments and challenges of wildlife conservation in China. Biological Conservation, 254, 108937.

  4. Wang, F.*, Zhao, Q., McShea, W. J. & Songer, M. (2018). Incorporating spatial effects changes forecasts of species' risk under global warming. Conservation Letters. e12592. • 封面文章

  5. Wang, F.*, McShea, W. J., Li, S., & Wang, D. (2017). Does one size fit all? A multispecies approach to regional landscape corridor planning. Diversity and Distributions, 24(3), 415-425. • 封面文章

  6. Wang, F.* & Liu, J. (2016). Conservation planning beyond giant pandas: the need for an innovative telecoupling framework. Science China Life Sciences, 60(5), 551-554.

  7. Wang, F., McShea, W. J., Wang, D., & Li, S*. (2015). Shared resources between giant panda and sympatric wild and domestic mammals. Biological Conservation, 186, 319-325

  8. Guan, T., Wang, F., Li, S.*, & McShea, W. J. (2015). Nature reserve requirements for landscape-dependent ungulates: The case of endangered takin (Budorcas taxicolor) in Southwestern China. Biological Conservation, 182: 63-71.

  9. Wang, F.*, McShea, W. J., Wang, D., Li, S., Zhao, Q., Wang, H., & Lu, Z. (2014). Evaluating landscape options for corridor restoration between giant panda reserves. PloS one, 9(8), e105086.