





刘佳佳,1986年出生,云南大学学士(2005-2009),中科院西双版纳热带植物园博士(2009-2014),浙江大学博士后(2015-2019)。英国剑桥大学(2016)和比利时根特大学访问学者(2018-2019)。Forestry杂志(IF = 2.88)编委, BES杂志Ecological Solutions and Evidence副主编。现任复旦大学青年研究员,博士生导师。


  • 大尺度生物多样性分布格局

  • 生境片段化对生物多样性的影响

  • 森林生态学



  1. J. Liu, D.L. Yong, C.Y. Choi, L.Gibson, Transboundary Frontiers: An Emerging Priority for Biodiversity Conservation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2020, 35: 679-690.

  2. J. Liu, D. Coomes, L. Gibson, G. Hu, J. Liu, Y. Luo, C. Wu, M. Yu. Forest fragmentation in China and its effect on biodiversity. Biological Reviews, 2019, 94, 1636-1657.

  3. J. Liu, F. Slik, D. Coomes, R.T. Corlett, Y. Wang, M. Wilson, G. Hu, P. Ding, M. Yu. The distribution of plants and seed dispersers in response to habitat fragmentation in an artificial island archipelago. Journal of Biogeography. 2019. 46, 1152-1162.

  4. J. Liu, B. Yang, D. Lindenmayer. The oldest trees in China and where to find them. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,17, 319-322.

  5. J. Liu, L. Baeten, K. Verheyen.  Biodiversity on International Borders Requires Solid Inventories. BioScience (letter). 2019, 69, 409.

  6. J. Liu, D. Lindenmayer, W. Yang, Y. Ren, M.J. Campbell, C. Wu, Y. Luo, L. Zhong, M. Yu. Diversity and density patterns of large old trees in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2019, 655, 255-62.

  7. J. Liu, D. Coomes, G. Hu, J. Liu, J. Yu, Y. Luo, M. Yu. Larger fragments have more late‐successional species of woody plants than smaller fragments after 50 years of secondary succession. Journal of Ecology. 2019, 107, 582-94.

  8. J. Liu, M. Wilson, G. Hu, J. Liu, J. Wu, & M. Yu, How does habitat fragmentation affect the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relationship?, Landscape Ecology, 2018, 33, 341-352.

  9. J. Liu, M. Yu, K. Tomlinson, & F. Slik, Patterns and drivers of plant biodiversity in Chinese university campuses, Landscape and Urban Planning, 2017, 164, 64-70.

  10. J. Liu & F. Slik. 'Forest fragment spatial distribution matters for tropical tree conservation.' Biological Conservation 171 (2014): 99-106.

  11. J. Liu, Y. Tan, & F. Slik. 'Topography related habitat associations of tree species traits, composition and diversity in a Chinese tropical forest.' Forest Ecology and Management 330 (2014): 75-81.


  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目:生境片段化过程对热带生物多样性的影响: 基于多个生物类群的比较研究,2021-2024.

  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目:生境片段化背景下的群落次生演替研究:从物种到性状,2016-2018。

  • 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,片段化景观中的生物多样性-生态系统功能关系, 2018-2020。

  • 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:中国古树的分布格局及其驱动因子分析,2017-2019。