




  • 2022-至今  复旦大学生命科学学院  青年副研究员

  • 2019-2022  复旦大学生命科学学院  博士后

  • 2014-2019  复旦大学生命科学学院  博士

  • 2010-2014  湖南师范大学生科院  学士





3) 耐荫野生稻遗传机制的解析以及利用。


  • Yu Xie; Wenbo Liu; Wenjing Liang; Xiaobin Ling; Jinbiao Ma; Chuanwei Yang*; Lin Li *; Phytochrome B inhibits the activity of phytochrome-interacting factor 7 involving phase separation. Cell Reports, 2023, 42(12): 113562

  • Chuanwei Yang; Tongdan Zhu; Nana Zhou; Sha Huang; Yue Zeng; Wen Jiang; Yu Xie; Wen-Hui Shen; Lin Li ; PIF7-mediated epigenetic reprogramming promotes the transcriptional response to shade in Arabidopsis. The EMBO Journal, 2023, 42(8): e111472

  • Chuanwei Yang; Sha Huang; Yue Zeng; Chang Liu; Qinyi Ma; Jose Pruneda-Paz; Steve A. Kay; Lin Li ; Two bHLH transcription factors, bHLH48 and bHLH60, associate with phytochrome interacting factor 7 to regulate hypocotyl elongation in Arabidopsis. Cell Reports, 2021, 35(5): 109054

  • Chuanwei Yang; Famin Xie; Lin Li ; Phenotypic Study of Photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis Seedlings. Methods Mol Biol., 2021, 2297: 41-47

  • Chuanwei Yang#; Liufan Yin#; Famin Xie; Mengmeng Ma; Sha Huang; Yue Zeng; Wen-Hui Shen; Aiwu Dong; Lin Li ; AtINO80 represses photomorphogenesis by modulating nucleosome density and H2A.Z incorporation in light-related genes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2020, 117(52): 33679- 33688

  • Yupei Jiang#; Chuanwei Yang#; Sha Huang; Famin Xie; Yitian Xu; Chang Liu; Lin Li ; ELF3- PIF7 interaction mediates the circadian gating of shade response in Arabidopsis. iScience, 2019, 22: 288-298

  • Chuanwei Yang; Famin Xie; Yupei Jiang; Zhen Li; Xu Huang; Lin Li ; Phytochrome A Negatively Regulates the Shade Avoidance Response by Increasing Auxin/Indole Acidic Acid Protein Stability. Developmental Cell, 2018, 44(1): 29-41

  • Chuanwei Yang; Lin Li ; Hormonal Regulation in Shade Avoidance, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8(1527): 1527