当前,全球正大力推动以生态集约化(ecological intensification)发展现代农业,以期提高作物产量和品质。农田景观多样化是实施生态集约化的重要环保措施。然而,生物多样性对城市生态系统中生态集约化的潜在影响一直未见报道。
近日,国际权威刊物eLife(5年影响因子8.385,一区)在线发表了复旦大学生态学科李博教授课题组的合作研究“Increasing plant diversity with border crops reduces insecticide use and increases crop yield in urban agriculture”的研究论文。
Twenty-eight mono-rice(red dots) and six plant-diversified community farms(green dots) monitored in Shanghai, China.
The layout of plant-diversified fields in which a border crop (soybean) was interplanted around the rice fields and a neighboring crop (maize) was interplanted around the soybeans.
(A) Drawing plot diagram for plant-diversified fields;
(B) the photograph for plant-diversified fields.
‘x’, ‘o’ and ‘§’ denoted rice, soybean and maize, respectively. The layout of each control rice field was similar, but without soybeans or maize.
国际著名生态学家、eLife评审编辑Bernhard Schmid教授对该文给予了高度评价。