鞠瑞亭,教授、博士生导师。上海长江河口湿地生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站常务副站长。兼任上海市植物保护学会副理事长、中国植物保护学会生物入侵分会、中国昆虫学会外来物种及检疫专委会、中国生态学会生物入侵生态学专委会委员、《生物多样性》和《生物安全学报》编委。2000年6月毕业于扬州大学应用化学本科,2003年6月毕业于扬州大学农业昆虫与害虫防治研究生专业,获硕士学位,2012年6月毕业于复旦大学生态学研究生专业,获博士学位。2003年7月至2016年3月,在上海市园林科学规划研究院(前上海市园林科学研究所)工作,先后任助理工程师、工程师、高级工程师,2014年晋升为教授级高级工程师。2016年3月入职复旦大学生命科学学院,任青年研究员、博士生导师,2020年晋升为教授。主要从事生物入侵生态学、湿地生态学、病虫害预警防控等研究。主持国家重点研发计划任务、科技基础资源调查专项课题、国家林草局揭榜挂帅专项课题、国家自然科学基金等科研项目20余项。深入研究了互花米草、悬铃木方翅网蝽等重大外来有害生物成功入侵的机制、影响及防控技术,提出的“互花米草综合防治技术”指导了全国海岸带生态修复,研发的“绿化病虫害精准化绿色防控技术”推动了城市生物灾害防控技术体系升级。相关成果在Ecology、Journal of Ecology、Journal of Applied Ecology、Ecological Applications等国内外期刊发表论文130余篇;编写上海市地方标准6项;授权专利12项;获国家质检总局科技一等奖1次、环境保护科学技术奖二等奖1次、上海市科技进步二等奖1次、三等奖4次。入选上海市科技启明星,获中国植保学会青年科技奖。
1. Ju RT, Gui XT, Measey J, He Q, Xian XQ, Liu JG, Sutherland WJ, Li B*, Wu JH. (2025) How can China curb biological invasions to meet Kunming-Montreal Target 6? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, in press.
2. Wang SY, Liao ZY*, Cao PP, Schmid MW, Zhang L, Bi JW, Endriss SB, Zhao YJ, Parepa M, Hu WY, Akamine H, Wu JH, Ju RT*, Bossdorf O, Richards CL*, Li B*. (2025) General-purpose genotypes and evolution of higher plasticity in clonality underlie knotweed invasion. New Phytologist, https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.20452.
3. Cao PP, Liao ZY, Wang SY, Parepa M, Zhang L, Bi JW, Zhao YJ, Guo YL, Lin TT, Endriss SB, Wu JH, Ju RT*, Richards CL, Bossdorf O*, Li B*. (2025) Cross-continental variation of herbivore resistance in a global plant invader. Ecography,https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.07569.
4. Zhang L, Isolde van Riemsdijk, Liu M, Liao ZY, Armand Cavé-Radet, Bi JW, Wang SY, Zhao YJ, Cao PP, Madalin Parepa, Oliver Bossdorf, Armel Salmon, Malika Aïnouche, Ju RT*, Wu JH, Christina L. Richards, Li B*. (2024) Biogeography of a global plant invader: from the evolutionary history to future distributions. Global Change Biology30: e17622.
5. Zhao YJ, Wang SY, Liao ZY, Parepa M, Zhang L, Cao PP, Bi JW, Guo YL, Bossdorf O, Richards CL, Wu JH, Li B, Ju RT*. (2024) Geographic variation in leaf traits and palatability of a native plant invader during domestic expansion. Ecology, e4425.
6. Cheng C, Liu Z, Zhang Q, Tian X, Ju RT, Li B, van Kleunen M, Chase JM, Wu JH*. (2024) Genotype diversity enhances invasion resistance of native plants via soil biotic feedbacks. Ecology Letters 27: e14384.
7. Bi JW, Bossdorf O, Liao ZY, Richards CL, Parepa M, Zhao WH, Berninger F, Zhao YJ, Liu ZK, Feng XY, Ju RT, Li B, Wu JH*. (2024) Divergent geographic variation in above- versus below-ground secondary metabolites of Reynoutria japonica. Journal of Ecology 112: 514–527.
8. Jiang JJ, Zhao YJ, Guo YL, Gao L, Richards CL, Siemann E, Wu JH, Li B, Ju RT* (2024) Restoration of native saltmarshes can reverse arthropod assemblages and trophic interactions changed by a plant invasion. Ecological Applications 34: e2740.
9. Hao Y, Wang XF, Guo YL, Li TY, Yang J, Ainouche ML, Salmon A, Ju RT, Wu JH*, Li LF*, Li B* (2024) Genomic and phenotypic signatures provide insights into the wide adaptation of a global plant invader. Plant Communications 5: 100820.
10. Liu LL, Guo YL, Wu YM, Yin MQ, Guo X, Eller F, Richards CL, Brix H, Ju RT*, Guo WH* (2024) Revealing biogeographic patterns in genetic diversity of native and invasive plants and their association with soil community diversity in the Chinese coast. Oikos (1): e10116.
11. Guo YL, Zhang YZ, Wu JH, Richards CL, Bossdorf O, Li B, Ju RT* (2023) Geographic variation of litter chemistry and palatability in an invasive plant versus its native competitor. Journal of Biogeography 50:1139–1150.
12. Wang SY, Martin PA, Hao Y, Sutherland WJ, Shackelford GE, Wu JH, Ju RT, Zhou WN, Li B* (2023) A global synthesis of the effectiveness and ecological impacts of management interventions for Spartina species. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 17: 141.
13. Zhang X, Xiao XM*, Wang XX, Xu X, Qiu SY, Pan LH, Ma J, Ju RT, Wu JH, Li B* (2023) Continual expansion of Spartina alterniflora in the temperate and subtropical coastal zones of China during 1985–2020. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 117: 103192.
14. Liu Z, Chen H*, Li L, Ouyang H, Tang X, Ju RT, B Li, Zhang RH, Chen JM* (2022) Real-time single particle characterization of oxidized organic aerosols in the East China Sea. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 5: 47.
15. 李博, 马志军, 吴纪华, 鞠瑞亭著. 植物入侵生态学>: 互花米草的案例研究. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2022.
16. Gao L, Li Y, Wang ZX, Zhao J, Hulcr J, Wang JG, LI YZ, Ju RT* (2021) Biology and associated fungi of an emerging bark beetle pest, the sweetgum inscriber Acanthotomicus suncei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Applied Entomology 145:508–517.
17. Wan NF, Zheng XR, Fu LW, Kiær LP, Zhang ZJ, Chaplin-Kramer R, Dainese M, Tan JQ, Qiu SY, Hu YQ, Tian WD, Nie M, Ju RT, Deng JY, Jiang JX*, Cai YM*, Li B* (2020) Global synthesis of effects of plant species diversity on trophic groups and interactions. Nature Plants 6: 503–510.
18. Qiu SY, Liu SS, Wei SJ, Cui XH, Nie M, Huang JX, He Q, Ju RT*, Li B* (2020) Changes in multiple environmental factors additively enhance the dominance of an exotic plant with a novel trade-off pattern. Journal of Ecology 108: 1989–1999.
19. Ju RT*, Li X, Jiang JJ, Wu JH, Liu JG, Strong DR, Li B* (2020) Emerging risks of non-native species escapes from aquaculture: Call for policy improvements in China and other developing countries. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 85–90.
20. Sun KK, Yu WS, Jiang JJ, Richards C, Siemann E, Ma J, Li B, Ju RT* (2020) Mismatches between the resources for adult herbivores and their offspring suggest invasive Spartina alterniflora is an ecological trap. Journal of Ecology 108: 719–732.
21. Qi SS, Liu YJ, Dai ZC*, Wan LY, Du DL, Ju RT, Wan JS, Bonser SP* (2020) Allelopathy confers an invasive Wedelia higher resistance to generalist herbivore and pathogen enemies over its native congener. Oecologia 192: 415–423.
22. Ju RT*, Ma D, Siemann E, Liu X, Wu JH, Li B* (2019) Invasive Spartina alterniflora exhibits increased resistance but decreased tolerance to a generalist insect in China. Journal of Pest Science 92: 823–833.
23. Zhang J, Ju RT, Pan H, Pan SF, Wu J* (2019) Enemy-free space is important in driving the host expansion of a generalist herbivore to an inferior exotic plant in a wetland of Yangtze Estuary. Biological Invasions 21: 547–559.
24. Wan NF, Cai YM, Shen YJ, Ji XY, Xu XW, Zheng XR, Cheng W, Li J, Jiang YP, Chen X, Weiner J, Jiang JX*, Nie M, Ju RT, Yuan T, Tang JJ, Tian WD, Zhang H, Li B* (2018) Increasing plant diversity with border crops reduces insecticide use and increases crop yield in urban agriculture. eLife 7: e35103.
25. Ju RT*, Luo QQ, Gao L, Yang J, Li B* (2018) Identification of HSP70 gene in Corythucha ciliata and its expression profiles under laboratory and field thermal conditions. Cell Stress and Chaperones 23: 195–201.
26. Ju RT*, Gao L, Wei SJ, Li B* (2017) Spring warming increases the abundance of an invasive specialist insect: links to phenology and life history. Scientific Reports 7: 14805.
27. Gao L, Li Y, Xu Y, Hulcr J, Cognato AI, Wang JG, Ju RT* (2017) Acanthotomicus sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), a new destructive insect pest of North American sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua in China. Journal of Economic Entomology 110: 1592–1595.
28. Yang WY, Tang XT, Ju RT, Zhang Y, Du YZ* (2017) The population genetic structure of Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) provides insights into its distribution and invasiveness. Scientific Reports 7: 635.
29. Zhou JH, Ju RT, Li B, Wu JH* (2017) Responses of soil biota and nitrogen availability to an invasive plant under aboveground herbivory. Plant and Soil 415: 479–491.
30. Ju RT, Chen YY, Gao L, Li B* (2016) The extended phenology of Spartina invasion alters a native herbivorous insect’s abundance and diet in a Chinese salt marsh. Biological Invasions 18: 2229–2236.
31. Ju RT, Zhu HY, Gao L, Zhou XH, Li B* (2015) Increases in both mean temperature and the frequency of extreme temperature events likely facilitate invasive herbivore outbreaks. Scientific Reports 5: 15715.
32. Zhang BC, Zhou XH*, Zhou LY, Ju RT (2015) A global synthesis of belowground carbon responses to biotic disturbance: a meta-analysis. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 126–138.
33. Ju RT, Wei HP, Wang F, Zhou XH, Li B* (2014) Anaerobic respiration and antioxidant responses of Corythucha ciliata (Say) adults to heat-induced oxidative stress under laboratory and field conditions. Cell Stress and Chaperones 19: 255–262.
34. Ju RT, Gao L, Zhou XH, Li B* (2014) Physiological responses of Corythucha ciliata adults to high temperatures under laboratory and field conditions. Journal of Thermal Biology 45: 15–21.
35. Ju RT, Gao L, Zhou XH, Li B* (2013) Tolerance to high temperature extremes in an invasive lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Hemiptera: Tingidae), in subtropical China. PLoS ONE 8: e54372.
36. Ju RT, Xiao YY, Li B* (2011) Rapid cold hardening increases cold and chilling tolerances more than acclimation in the adults of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 57: 1577–1582.
37. Ju RT, Wang F, Wan FH, Li B* (2011) Effect of host plants on development and reproduction of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Journal of Pest Science 84: 33–39.
38. Ju RT, Chen GB, Wang F, Li B* (2011) Effects of heat shock, heat exposure pattern, and heat hardening on survival of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Say) (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 41: 168–177.
39. Ju RT, Wang F, Li B* (2011) Effects of temperature on the development and population growth of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata. Journal of Insect Science 11:16.
40. Ju RT, Xiao YY, Wang F, Li B* (2010) Supercooling capacity and cold hardiness of the adults of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata (Hemiptera: Tingidae). CryoLetters 31: 445–453.